2019 Year In Review

In the first quarter of 2020, we've already hit the ground running here at the San Diego Green Building Council. We've been busy coordinating educational events through the SDG&E Energy Innovation Center, we've kicked off our Greenbuild subcommittee meetings as we strategize to perform as the host chapter for the annual international conference, we've gathered with our friends in the San Diego sustainability community at our State of Green Building: 15 Year Celebration... the list goes on. There's never a slow moment in the green building community, and just the first few weeks of 2020 are proving that in spades.

However, these weeks leave room for reflection on 2019 as well. We released our Year in Review report in our monthly newsletter this week as an opportunity for our community to join us in recognizing the change having taken place within our organization and community; changes that ranged from small internal adjustments (hiring of our Community Development Intern!) to large community shifts (4 Balboa Park buildings LEED re-certified, 3 SD ZNE library retrofits). 

"[In 2019,] we focused on ways to create meaningful impacts and push San Diego towards a regenerative society."

- Josh Dean, Executive Director, SDGBC

SDGBC has always been a resource for LEED education in both building certification and educational credentials, but 2019 continued to usher in a new wave of expanded resources as California's statewide building codes increasingly match LEED standards. We held SDREP presentations regarding "healthy buildings" which introduce another dimension of sustainable building: occupant physical, mental and emotional health/wellbeing. 

2019 proved that we at SDGBC are always on the front line of reaching farther, balancing the management of the standard green building practices status quo while exploring the new frontier of new and creative strategies. While remaining a networking and educational resource for San Diego communities across industries to build the environmentally-friendly way, we push our communities to adopt goals for Decarbonization, Water Reuse, Healthy & Wellness, and Equity, to name a few.

Take a look at our Year in Review: it's full of friendly faces, exciting events and inspiring metrics illustrating our accomplishments in making moves toward a truly sustainably built San Diego.

View 2019 Year in Review


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