Pictured above: Simple Construct team accepting the 2018 Sustainable Patron Award. 

On September 21st, 2019, the First Annual Sustainable Design Awards were held after the San Diego Green Building Conference & Expo. This event awarded 16 different projects and organizations that are practicing the most innovative sustainability strategies across San Diego County.

The vision for the Sustainable Design Awards is to advocate for sustainable projects in San Diego. The judging criteria is based upon meeting the intent of the submitted category, exhibiting a transformation in the built environment and exemplifying innovation, creativity and good design. The projects ranged from straw-bale homes to green parking plazas, keep reading below to see a full list of awards and their distinguished recipients.


Sustainable Patron Award: Simple Construct

Sustainable Civic Organization Award: North Park Planning Committee

Sustainable Private Organization Award: Alexandria Real Estate Equities

Sustainable Public Organization Award: County of San Diego

LEED BD+C Honor Award: Alpine Library

Owner: County of San Diego Architects: Manuel Oncina Architects, Ferguson Pape Baldwin Architects Team: C.W. Driver, Snipes-Dye Associates, Coffman Engineers, McParlane & Associates, ELEN Consulting, Van Dyke Landscape Architects, Brummitt Energy Associates

LEED BD+C Merit Award: Delawie Office Building

Owner: Gravity Morena, LLC. Architect: Delawie Architects Team: TSA Construction, ELEN Consulting, MA Engineers, GSSI Structural Engineers

LEED ID+C Honor Award: Gensler Studio

Owner: Irvine Company Architect: Gensler Team: Dempsey Construction, Glumac, Coffman Engineers

LEED Homes Honor Award: Neuhaus

Owner: Antje Heinz Architect: JLC Architecture Team: Alliance Green Builders, Lovelace Engineering, Ecology Artisans

Unbuilt LEED CS+WELL Citation Award: Millenia - Think Campus

Owner: Chesnut Properties Architect: Gensler Team: DPR Construction, C2 Building Group, McParlance & Associates, Michael Wall Engineering, Coffman Engineers, OJB Landscape Architecture, stok

Unbuilt LEED ND Citation Award: Manchester Pacific Gateway

Owner/Client: Manchester Financial Group, Dealy Development Inc. Architect: Gensler Team: Turner Construction, McParlane & Associates, MA Engineers, Michael Wall Engineering, KTUA

WELL Honor Award: Gensler Studio

Owner: Irvine Company Architect: Gensler Team: Dempsey Construction, Glumac, Coffman Engineers

ParkSmart Honor Award: SDIA Parking Plaza

Owner: San Diego International Airport Architect: Watry Design+Gensler Team: Swinerton Builders, Michael Baker International, MA Engineers, Stantec, Jensen Hughes, Spurlock Landscape Architects

Zero Net Energy Honor Award: Alpine Library

Owner: County of San Diego Architects: Manuel Oncina Architects, Ferguson Pape Baldwin Architects Team: C.W. Driver, Snipes Dye Associates, Coffman Engineers, McParlance & Associates, ELEN Consulting, Van Dyke Landscape Architects, Brummitt Energy Associates

Zero Net Energy Citation Award:SDIA Parking Plaza

Owner: San Diego International Airport Architect: Watry Design+Gensler Team: Swinerton BuildersMichael Baker InternationalMA EngineersStantecJensen HughesSpurlock Landscape Architects

Zero Net Water Citation Award: Silvergate Rancho Bernardo

Owner: Americare Health & Retirement, Inc. Architect: NOAA, Inc. Team: Ryan Companies US, Inc., Advanced Onsite Water, CGK, Coffman Engineers, RB Consulting Engineers, KTUA

Metrics & Research Merit Award: LPL Financial

Owner: LPL Financial Architect: Gensler Team: The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, WSP, Cerami & Associates, Nabih Youssef Associates

A Special Thank You to the Jury, comprised of the USGBC-LA Board of Directors!

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