Mission: We envision a green building industry that operates on a definition of sustainability that values and strives toward equity, diversity, justice and inclusion in its policies and practices. Through engagement and advocacy, we aim to foster a building industry & built environment that provides equitable access, treatment, opportunity, and outcomes for our communities in the San Diego region.


  • Propose updates to internal structures, review internal programs and policies with a focus on equity, diversity, justice and inclusion
  • Create and support a board equity audit role to survey and assess progress & hold the committee and board accountable

  • Build coalition partnerships with organizations working in communities of concern to learn how we can better support and uplift their work

  • Champion the equity pillar of the organization's efforts

Meetings: Monthly, 1-hour

Interested in getting involved?

Fill out this Interest Form and a member of the committee will contact you for an introductory check-in.

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.