
The San Diego Green Building Council is a community of building industry professionals and sustainability advocates with expertise in areas such as architecture, construction, design, urban planning, policy, and more. We work together to promote sustainable building and community practices to bring the San Diego region closer to achieving its climate, water, waste, and energy goals. Learn about the local impact of our initiatives and projects here.

  • The San Diego Green Building Council is a registered 501c3 community benefit nonprofit organization.
  • We are a local aligned community of the US Green Building Council (previously known as the USGBC Chapters).
  • We are a partner to the International Living Future Institute.

We are driven by our mission to inspire, educate, and collaborate within our community to transform our built environment toward true sustainability, and work towards our vision that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation. The San Diego Green Building Council’s Bylaws are available here and other nonprofit documents are accessible at our Guide Star profile. In 2017, we completed a strategic planning process to better align our resources and accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable San Diego, you can download our strategic plan here.

Our members are at the beating heart of our community and sustainable change in San Diego. We currently have about 350 members who represent architecture, construction, and other industries. Join us today and become part of the movement.

Read more about our People, History, and Impact