Embodied Carbon of MEP Systems

Friday, October 27 

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Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems have traditionally been left out of embodied carbon conversations, but they can be a huge part of the overall footprint. In 2021, Introba published “CIBSE Technical Manual (TM) 65: Embodied carbon in building services: a calculation methodology.” In February 2024, ASHRAE will be releasing “TM65 for North America” which tailors this calculation methodology to the North American context. Join this session to learn more.


Calina Ferraro

Principal at Introba

Calina is a mechanical engineer and principal with Introba. She is a LEED AP with over 15 years of sustainable design experience in life science, commercial, higher education, and civic projects. She is a leader in Introba’s San Diego office providing deep green engineering solutions across the Western US.


Mudhar Aldurra

Senior Sustainability Consultant at Introba

Mudhar is an experienced Senior Sustainability Consultant at Introba with a background in civil and environmental engineering. With experience in both construction and consulting, Mudahr brings a holistic understanding to incorporating sustainability features in building projects and is passionate about advancing sustainability initiatives that have long-term beneficial impacts on the greater community.


October 27, 2023 at 1:30pm - 2:30pm

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