North Coastal Live Well Health Center

Designed by HMC Architects, this LEED-Platinum, net-zero-energy model facility is dedicated to health and wellness for active military, veterans, and the larger community. Located in Oceanside, California, the new County of San Diego North Coastal Live Well Health Center Building brings together Aging and Independence Services, a Military and Veterans Resource Center, Community Health Promotions, Regional Administration, Public Health Services, and Behavioral Health Services. Just over a mile from the ocean, the site enjoys plentiful Pacific breezes, so the project took a “passive first” approach to the design. The lobby atrium is completely naturally ventilated, and every occupiable space has operable windows. A “V”-shaped layout opens to the east, avoiding undue heat gain on the west, and creating a lush courtyard for outdoor gathering and respite. Windows give glimpses of the perimeter landscape, lined with native plantings meant to emulate the nearby coastal bluffs. Two narrow wings oriented east-west allow abundant daylight throughout the building. Vertical shade “sails” on the exterior regulate light and heat while offering a soft texture on the façade. Coupled with low-emitting materials, these strategies create a welcoming and soothing interior. The EUI is 30 kBtu/SF/year, a 75% reduction from the national average. The entire roof is covered in photovoltaics, generating more energy than needed to operate. The project is completing net-zero certification through the International Living Future Institute, which requires at least 105% of onsite needs generated by renewables, but our analysis to date suggests that the building could produce far more power (up to 26% currently). According to the USGBC database, Live Well is only the second LEED Platinum building in Oceanside and the first in nearly a decade. It is also the only net-zero public medical office in California.

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