Wednesday, March 2nd | 9am - 11am | Zoom


Course Description:  

With the increased mix of renewable energy used for electricity production (the County will be purchasing 100% renewable electricity by 2030), the shift from gas-fueled equipment to all-electric equipment and technologies powered by an increasingly clean grid is widely recognized as a critical pathway for achieving significant carbon emissions reduction. Learn from key players in San Diego’s push toward electrification on the steps they’ve taken in their own portfolios, including both the challenges and successes of their respective projects. Additionally, get an introduction to why this push towards Electrification is growing in California and financial incentives for making the switch.

Seminar Highlights:  

  1. Learn about the importance of building electrification and zero net energy throughout the state. 
  2. Learn the role that building electrification plays in reaching climate goals.
  3. Learn about practical applications of existing technologies to support building electrification. Technologies include solar PV, heat pumps, energy storage, controls, and more.
  4. Become familiar with the mindset and methodology to maximize opportunities for building electrification and operational savings.

Target Audience: 

  • Facility/Maintenance Managers 
  • Existing Public and Private Building Owners and Managers
  • Retrocommissioning/Commissioning Agents
  • Engineers
  • Construction Managers
  • Sustainability Students
  • General Public

Learning Level: Beginner to Intermediate 

This class is eligible for continuing education units from the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI). 


Susan Freed, LEED AP, CEM

Project Manager – Energy & Sustainability Division, County of San Diego

Susan Freed has been the Project Manager for the Energy and Sustainability Division at County of San Diego since 2013. Her work at the County includes finding opportunities to increase the energy and water efficiency and sustainability of County operations, studying the feasibility of innovative solutions, and developing programs and projects to implement promising findings. She has hands-on experience with the challenges in creating sustainability momentum in the public sector. Prior to her position with the County, she worked for many years as an architect, architectural planner, and economic development professional. She is a licensed architect, has been LEED AP since 2005, and CEM since 2015.

Walter Kanzler, AIA, LEED AP

Senior Director of Design & Development - University of California, San Diego

Walt Kanzler is the Senior Director of Design at UCSD, with over 25 years of experience in design and construction in the Public and Private sector. Walt provides direction and guidance during the entire progression of Capital Projects from pre-concept through post occupancy. Currently responsible for all campus design at UCSD ensuring compliance with the campus design standards, codes and other governmental requirements for sustainability, public health and safety. Consistently leading teams on award winning transformational projects and programs that inspire and attract the best talent and exceptional outcomes. Walt is currently the Chair of the Campus Advisory Committee on Sustainability, Co- Chair of the UC Green Building Working Group and past Board member of the San Diego Green Building Council. Walt is a licensed architect and LEED BD+C professional. An active change agent seeking synergy in higher education between research, education and the high performance projects that we deliver.

Charlie Christenson, PE, BEMP, CEA, LEED AP BD+C

Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED, stok

Charlie brings his experience and passion for providing reliable and innovative building energy modeling to every high performance project. As one of the few ASHRAE Building Energy Modeling Professionals in California, he is highly recognized for his expert energy modeling skills for predictive modeling, calibrated modeling, and thermal comfort. Charlie’s 16 years of experience spans a wide range of occupancy types on both a building and campus scale. Across every project type, his collaborative approach with team members leads to delivering high quality and timely results for optimized building performance.

Russell Stevens

Energy Efficiency Account Manager, TRC Comprehensive Energy Management Solutions

Russell Stevens has helped commercial customers save energy, obtain cash utility incentives, and achieve their sustainability goals through utility incentive programs. As an Account Manager, Russell facilitates a customer’s journey through energy efficiency projects and incentives available through TRC’s Comprehensive Energy Management Solutions program. No matter the size, scope, or budget of a project, Russell will provide curated resources to help customers identify opportunities and overcome their specific challenges associated with developing an energy saving project. TRC’s concierge services will help turn concepts and ideas into reality. Russell has a background in client relations and environmental sustainability, and he has worked on programs in the SDG&E territory.

Thank you to the SDG&E Energy Innovation Center for supporting this event.




March 02, 2022 at 9:00am - 11am



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