Resources: Black Lives Matter

We are using this platform to share resources that support the movement against racial injustice and call on our membership to do the same. 

Donate: Black Lives Matter | NAACP San Diego Chapter | The Loveland Foundation | Fair Fight | Color of Change  

Learn: 75 Action Items Article | Template for Employer Accountability | An Antiracist Reading List

Industry Orgs: National Organization of Minority Architects | American Association of Blacks in Energy | National Society of Black Engineers | Organization of Black Designers | National Black Contractors Association 

Statement of Support

(Released 6/2/20)

It is the Mission of the San Diego Green Building Council to inspire, educate, and collaborate within our community to transform our built environment toward true sustainability. However, we are asking ourselves, “Can a community be truly sustainable if it is not just?”¹

As an organization, we are declaring our fervent opposition to white supremacy and violence against the Black community. We have a tremendous opportunity to address racial oppression, economic disparities, and the overwhelming effects of climate change through an intersectional lens. In solidarity, we offer our commitment to anti-racism work within San Diego and our industry; and our whole-hearted support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

In addition to the systematic racism that pervades every aspect of American society, Black and Brown communities have been overwhelmingly affected by environmental racism for generations, with disproportionate numbers suffering from the effects of environmental pollution. Within the building industry, we see large disparities in the number of black and brown CEOs, Principals, and Licensed Architects. In order to uphold our values, we must be addressing all aspects of racism that face our work.

As a predominantly white organization ourselves, we can only begin to imagine the deep and distinct pain endured by Black Americans. We have a responsibility to hold ourselves accountable in having these discussions not only in the wake of deep tragedy, but in our daily lives and actions. 

At the beginning of the year we announced Equity as a key pillar to our programs moving forward. While we have a long way to go, we will be immediately putting in the work to enact change through the amplification of black voices, partnerships with minority owned organizations and those advancing the racial and environmental justice movements, a well as education for our community regarding racial biases and anti-racism work.

¹Nathaniel Smith, Founder and Chief Equity Officer of the Partnership for Southern Equity

We’d like to thank activist and writer, Rachel Cargle, for providing resources such as the Template for Employer Accountability to help guide us in our accountability as an organization.


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